Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bath Time

So Chris and I were experimenting with the video camerawhile having BOTH boys in the tub at once all at the same time. A big step for us considering we only have two hands and with TWO babies, you can only imagine the limitations that are presented with all that slippery baby splashing around in the water! But, all in all, the boys had fun. You can watch the video below!

Life WIth TWINS!

We are the happiest parents in the world to be blessed with identical twin boys; Owen Christopher and Landen Blake Strait born February 8, 2008! During the pregnancy we kept our fingers crossed that our boys would make it, as we were diagnosed with Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome at 11 weeks. Through it all the boys pulled through and God brought life to two healthy little boys born at 33 and 1/2 weeks. Since then life has been crazy, but good crazy, and nobody will ever know how challenging AND rewarding it is to be a parent of multiples, unless you have them yourself. Our little family exceeds any expectations we had about making a family of our own.